Circus Smirkus Residency

Yoh Theatre and our middle school Wellness Department co-sponsored a circus residency in the fall of 2021.  All of our seventh grade students participated in the residency during their Wellness block, and Yoh Theatre Players did additional learning after school. Our Yoh Players then incorporated circus skills into the December performance, Tuck Everlasting.

Residencies are a common part of Circus Smirkus’s annual programming, and their website says of these experiences: “Smirkus Residencies bring our veteran circus educators into your school or after-school program, or even online, to provide expert instruction in the circus arts. Students receive instruction in juggling, diabolo, devil sticks, rolla bolla, balance, plate spinning and more.Based in a curriculum approach that is aligned with the principles of social-emotional learning, students develop powers of concentration, focus, and persistence.


Meet the cast of “Radium Girls”


Dance at Shir Shalom